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Quote of the Day
NT 5.0. All the bugs and ten times the code size!
Outpost in the Dragon's Maw is a retro style Match-3 Tower Defence game for the Uzebox open source game console, a bit of 8 bit madness involving an ATmega-644 and a bit of electronics to get it producing a video signal and accepting input from an SNES controller. Thanks to emulation, you may also have a few rounds of it right within your browser!
Outpost in the Dragon's Maw is a retro style Match-3 Tower Defence game for the Uzebox open source game console, a bit of 8 bit madness involving an ATMega 644 and a bit of electronics to get it producing a video signal and accepting input from an SNES controller. Thanks to emulation, you may also have a few rounds of it right within your browser!
So it is the end of the year, which means at last there are some holidays, a bit of contiguous time away from work to have some rest, and well, a chance to go through some quite involving experimenting and hacking. The result, an OSS game console prototype based on the ATmega1284, contrary to the Uzebox, with no overclocking.