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Quote of the Day

NT 5.0. All the bugs and ten times the code size!

-- Zarkov

Outpost in the Dragon's Maw 1.1

Outpost in the Dragon's Maw is a retro style Match-3 Tower Defence game for the Uzebox open source game console, a bit of 8 bit madness involving an ATmega-644 and a bit of electronics to get it producing a video signal and accepting input from an SNES controller. Thanks to emulation, you may also have a few rounds of it right within your browser!

Outpost in the Dragon's Maw

Outpost in the Dragon's Maw is a retro style Match-3 Tower Defence game for the Uzebox open source game console, a bit of 8 bit madness involving an ATMega 644 and a bit of electronics to get it producing a video signal and accepting input from an SNES controller. Thanks to emulation, you may also have a few rounds of it right within your browser!

2022 - We won't miss you

2022 - We won't miss you

2022 - we won't miss you. When the world went down into madness.

2020, the system crumbling, sanity gone

It all seems to be very much broken, or on the verge of breaking apart. The systems, morality, humanity, just about everything, over the attempts to handle the pandemic. A not too long-winded post on my thought at this time of this whole mess.

Insane Contraption Zero for the New Year

So it is the end of the year, which means at last there are some holidays, a bit of contiguous time away from work to have some rest, and well, a chance to go through some quite involving experimenting and hacking. The result, an OSS game console prototype based on the ATmega1284, contrary to the Uzebox, with no overclocking.